5 Tips For Delicious Fry Ochro (okra) | CaribbeanPot.com


5 Tips For Delicious Fry Ochro (okra) | CaribbeanPot.com by caribbeanpot

In a video titled "5 Tips For Delicious Fry Ochro (okra) | CaribbeanPot.com," the video creator shares five tips on how to make perfect fry okra. The tips include using a wide pan for more surface area, using a non-stick pan coated with olive oil, using a lot of garlic and sliced onions, avoiding the use of a lid, and stirring the okra with high heat to caramelize the edges for added sweetness. The recipe takes 10-15 minutes and can be personalized with the addition of curry powder or cumin seeds or salted and seasoned saltfish. The video ends with an invitation to viewers to subscribe and send pictures of their creations.


In this section, the video creator shares five tips on how to make perfect fry okra. The first tip is to use a wide pan, which provides more surface area. The second tip is to use a non-stick pan coated with olive oil to cut back on some of the oil, making it somewhat healthier. Tip three is to use a lot of garlic and sliced onions to help build a flavorful base. The fourth tip is don't use a lid as the steam causes moisture and the slimy attribute that people don't like about okra.


In this section, the speaker shares tips on how to make delicious fry ochro (okra). One of the tips is to stir the okra with high heat to caramelize the edges of the okra, which adds sweetness to the dish. The speaker advises not to add salt until the end because it will pull out the moisture from the okra. The recipe takes about 10-15 minutes and can be personalized by adding a teaspoon of curry powder or cumin seeds at the start or adding salted and seasoned saltfish. The video ends with an invitation to viewers to subscribe and send pictures of their creations to the speaker.

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